What you Should Keep in Mind when Buying Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is a staple in the Mediterranean diet and is increasingly becoming a favorite around the world. Italy is one of the world’s top olive oil producers. To get the most benefits from olive oil, it is important to buy the genuine one. Unfortunately, lower-quality oil mixed with artificial food coloring is passed off as extra-virgin olive oils on the market. Virgin oil is made with natural, physical processes, not by chemistry. If you are one of those people who love Italian olive oil, here are important things you should know:

Fake Oil is Never as Good as the Real One

Extra virgin olive oil features a slight bite to it due to the molecule called oleocanthal that works as an anti-inflammatory. Also, this molecule reverses the effects of protein byproducts believed to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. And this is just one benefit of the genuine version of the oil that cannot be replicated by the replicas.

The “Made in Italy” label is Not Always True

The United States still thinks of Italy when thinking of olive oil. Italian olive oil is considered one of the best in the world and is usually the first choice for consumers who want high-quality olive oil. That is why many brands sell their olive oil with a “Made in Italy” label. However, it is not always true. With a misleading label, you cannot be 100$ sure about the processes, products, or what the food contains, which could potentially expose you to allergens and other food-related illnesses.

Real Extra-Virgin Olive oil is Never Cheap

A lot of foreign oils are sent to Italy to just be bottled. This means it can legally be labeled as “made in Italy” oil. But, producing genuine olive oil is quite costly and usually true olive oil harvest makes very little profit. The process includes caring for the olive trees during the year, hiring workers to prune, fertilize, irrigate, and control for pests and insects. Then, there is the milling, marketing, shipping. And when you add permits, government controls, chemical tests, and salaries, you will see how extra virgin olive oil can never be cheap.

How to Choose Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Start by being more willing to pay. Find containers that block natural light and bottles with a date of harvest. Olive oil is better used within two years of its harvest. Also, do a taste test if possible to see if the oil has a slight bite. Finally, you must know your seller and try to purchase as locally as possible.